Looking to Buy Income Property
When in the market to buy investment property, we know there are multiple properties to choose across the nation. Many properties we offer focus on ways to impact communities while helping achieve your goals. If you are looking for tax shelters or ways to help the homeless or elderly while purchasing a property, we are here to guide you.
It is important to work with someone who understands your purpose. Appreciating Real Estate (ARE) representatives are different than your typical agents that are used to simply buying or selling a home. Investing requires a different skill set. It is important to work with someone who has personally purchased income property before and understands the drive for cash flow and your incentives to buy income property. We do our best at understanding our clients needs and offer a no-obligation meeting to see if we are the right fit for each other. Call us any time or simply fill out the buyer’s form to get listings on properties you want.

The key to acquiring any property is to “buy it right.” Some may say location…location…location. When looking to buy income property, it is not necessarily an art, but requires due diligence. We believe there are many factors aside from location to consider. For example buying at the right price and the right time. Appreciating Real Estate (ARE) makes a concerted effort to keeping up with the current market conditions, analyzing several properties, comparable incomes and other factors before make any decisions. Because we are actively talking with brokers, real estate professionals and sellers, we often work with buyers that are also searching for properties to purchase.
ARE is determined to find buyers for every property it encounters. Because of its relationships with brokers, agents, sellers and other real estate representatives, the company comes across many properties that do not always fit the typical criteria and are a better fit for other buyers. Appreciating Real Estate takes pride in creating partnerships. Our goal is to match sellers with buyers and build long lasting relationships. If you are interested in buying income property, please fill out the Buyers List Form on the left column of this page to be added onto our exclusive Buyers List.
Already have a property you want to buy and want advice from an investor’s perspective.
Appreciating Real Estate holds a real estate brokerage license that can negotiate or provide help on your real estate purchases. We are investors working with other investors to make deals happen and grow the economy. Contact us any time.